Order & Payment
By clicking on the button " Checkout" you are making a binding offer to purchase the products in the shopping cart. You can change and view the data at any time before submitting the order. The offer is only submitted and transmitted if you have previously accepted these terms and conditions by clicking on the "Accept terms and conditions" button.
We will send you an automatic, printable confirmation of receipt by e-mail. The order and the terms and conditions are listed again in this confirmation. It does not constitute acceptance of the offer. Acceptance is made manually with another e-mail (order confirmation).
In the event of inadvertently incorrect information about the product or the price, we reserve the right to contest the contract.
Klarna instant bank transfer
Pay for your purchase directly after completing your order using your usual online banking data - simply secure, simply smooth.
Pay easily and securely without cash with PayPal. Benefit from the buyer protection & seller protection.
Credit card
Pay with your VISA or MasterCard credit card. For the payment process you need the name of the credit card holder, the card number, the expiry date and the check digit. The check digit is a three-digit (Visa, MasterCard) number on the back of your credit card and offers you additional payment security.